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  • Backup / Restore Data
    • Performs a “Quick” compressed backup to the Hard disk (used daily) or optionally backup to any storage / network device.
    • Complete with a backup manager
  • Application Usage Log
    • Logs Program events (Items added, modified, deleted, and in some cases printed)
    • Records the date, time, elapsed time, username, reference number, action preformed, and Item / Description\
    • Upon Login / Logoff Records the Workstation ID, Location and Description of the computer being used to access the application
    • Displays various graphs (Number of log items per user, type of log entries, day of week totals, hr of day totals)
    • Display a single users entries, or only log entries with a specific phrase
    • This allows the production manager, or other staff to monitor options used in the application and the time it is taking users to enter reports / data
    • You can purge the system log completely, or keep only the last week, last two weeks, last month, etc.
  • User Access Setup
    • Allows the software administrator to setup user accounts with various access rights
    • Four Levels of security for each section View, Add, Modify, and Full (Delete.)
    • Supports over 100 defined users
  • General Features
    • The program pre-fills all date fields with the current date. All entered, or modified dates are verified to be existing calendar dates. The user can also select a date from an on screen calendar, or press various keys; “Y” Yesterday, “N” Now/Today, “T” Tomorrow, etc.
    • On menu, and screen calendar
      • A date can be painted one of several colors, and a note can be entered
    • One key programmable unit conversion on quantity fields (e.g. Pounds <>Kilograms, Gallons <>Letters Inches of Solution to Pounds, etc.)
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